The Project
This project has as main objective to provide the vocational education and training (VET) community with tools for the use of wireless sensor networks over a LoRaWAN communications network. These tools range from sensor nodes, through the LoRaWAN network and ending in the application. In this way, teaching may be more focused on development or use, and may cover different areas of training (in development, more linked to STEM, and in application, more linked, for example, to climate change - smart agriculture, environmental monitoring, etc.). With this approach, it is intended to involve students in multidisciplinary groups focused on solving sustainability challenges.
our Objectives
The progress, quality and achievement of project activities will be achieved by implementing:
- regular assessment of the course and progress of the project by normative-actual value comparisons;
- adjustment of the project management plan in case of detection of possible unexpected developments;
- elaboration of an internal evaluation plan, including organisational and professional aspects;
- gathering and evaluating of the results;
- internal feedback discussions in the project consortium for the purpose of exchanging information and results;
- using the project meetings for the assessment of the course and progress of the project and for the presentation of the internal evaluation results.
The quality of the project's activities will be monitored and evaluated by a Quality Team.
At the start of project will be achieved a quality control plan with specific standards, with quality assurance and quality control processes.
The Plan will guide partner's performance and will define the objectives of the quality assurance methodology, indicators, procedures, responsibilities, monitoring mechanisms, and templates. Quality assurance will be a
permanent activity, to collect and analyze measurement data, to evaluate processes and outputs. A feedback mechanism
will support the respective leaders to monitor project progress and the adherence to project quality guidelines. Project partners will prepare half-year quality reports to control the progress of each phases’ tasks, timely achievement of project
milestones and production of project deliverables to the agreed timescales and quality standards.
The frequency of the monitoring activities that will take place are:
- Regular online meetings (bimonthly);
- Monitoring action plan (online document that will be constantly updated) developed by UTAD(PT)
to check all agreed deadlines;
- The Management and Financial Plan, Quality Control Plan, Promotion and Dissemination Plan, Risk
Management Plan will be drafted during the beginning of the project;
- Half-year quality evaluation (and dissemination reports) will be prepared by all partners to evaluate the quality standards and achievement of indicators, production of deliverables, and dissemination actions;
- Quality evaluation questionnaires and reports will be developed by DIMEN(TK), including internal evaluation of project
results, piloting activities, dissemination events, and evaluation questionnaires for the transnational meetings. These reports/questionnaires will facilitate the quality level of the project results, the satisfaction of end-users and their opinions about the project, and the performance level of the partnership.
All the above activities will be measured on a regular basis to make sure that planned results are achieved in a proper way and on time.
Technical specifications of the characteristics of the components to be included in the Kit (sensors, microcontroller, gateway, microprocessor for the web component, connectors and power supply)
Based on the requirements defined in the previous activity, a first version of the Kit will be selected and purchased to be used during the training
Training Program - Microcontroller, sensors, environmental indicators, LoRa communications (point-to-point)-, Presentations, Manuals, Evaluation, attendance list
Training Program - LoRaWan, 3D modeling and printing, Web Server, analysing envoromental indicators - , Presentations, Manuals, Evaluation, attendance list
Delivery of the online platafform that supports the MooC; Charge tests and validations
Document containing the engagement strategy to be adopted by the partnership; meetings; promotion actions; Application process, selection criteria, Rules and Regulamentation
Based on the previously defined requirements, as well as any adjustments resulting from the training, a procedure will be launched to acquire the 120 kits. The kit box will be customized according to the project image. These kits will be sent to the
Selection of the VET Teachers/trainers; List, Reserve List, Model of the Agreement
Minute, Evaluation, Attendance list
All the MooC contents will be translated to the partners languages. The videos will be subtitled.
Definition of moderation and engagement strategies; monitoring of activities; implementation of a helpdesk, questionnaires, evaluation report; creation of Badges for accomplish tasks
Document with the definition of the overall structure of the IoT@SustainabilityProjectHub, categories and classifications (meta elements); Guidelines to create contents and/or projects
Each partner will be responsible for creating at least 5 projects identifying the objective, the materials and devices used, the process containing video and text tutorials and the final product. All projects will be translated into English and each
After a revision and validation of all the contents the hub containing the projects will be published in the website of the project. It will be created a database and also a mechanism, of index, considering the defined categories and the meta element
Strategy for promoting the IoT@SustainabilityProjectHub: creating awareness, getting VET Teachers to try, providing information; Local and International actions; Online Events;
Minute; Attendance list; Features to implement or to improve on IoT@SustainabilityProjectHub
After the launch of the IoT@SustainabilityProjectHub, every 3 weeks a new project will be published. All projects will be translated into English and each partner's language.
Evaluation questionaires; Evaluation Report;
Guidelines to implement the network of IoT@LoRA VET Clubs Clubs. These guidelines will be translated in all partner languages;
HandBook for mentoring IoT@LoRA VET Clubs (translated in all partner languages);
Digital platform to support IoT@LoRA VET Clubs (will be part of the website);
Program, Basics of online mentoring, Attendance list;
Minute, Evaluation, Attendance li
Guidelines to implement the network of IoT@LoRA VET Clubs Clubs. These guidelines will be translated in all partner languages;
Stakeholder engagement; Coaching and Mentoring Sessions.;
Moderation, implementation of a helpdesk
Visual and Communication Materials; Scientific and technical evaluation board; Teams registration and entries registration system; Evaluation process; Award ceremony
Minute, Evaluation, Attend